

Some frequently asked questions and answers. Join our Discord if you have any further questions.

How to use?

Go to the store page here and download AMM. Overwolf will also be installed at the same time. And when you start a supported game, AMM will start automatically. You can use it as is without any special settings.

AMM doesn't start

AMM will not start if you start an unsupported game. Please check if your game is compatible.
It is also possible that AMM is not being called due to Overwolf's settings, or that Overwolf is not running in the background. Since AMM relies on Overwolf, many problems are often caused by Overwolf settings.

Audio does not play/pause automatically

In rare cases, autoplay and autopause may not work due to a bug.
I'm apologize for the inconvenience. Try "test play" and "test pause" in the AMM window and check if the song is paused. Even if the test goes well, it may not work properly in-game. Please reboot the computer once and if the issue still persists, please contact us.
Also, your music playback software may not be supported. Please use supported software such as YouTube Music.

Where should I contact?

Join our Discord and fill out the forum.